Richard Rosenthal..

Here's a picture of Richard, 65 years and 10 months, on his solo, unsupported ride from Milan to Zurich fourteen months ago that went across seven major Swiss passes:
In his own words:
As a rider, I didn't start riding until I was forty years old. I'm a truly, really terrible uphiller. I can't get up driveways or out of potholes. Notwithstanding that, I ridden across all but, I think, four paved Alp passes over 2000 meters in all of Austria, Italy, France, and Switzerland. When anyone thinks to express awe or admiration at this, I insist they understand all it takes is: the will, the time, and a low enough gear.
Creator of the saying, "One Less Car," now in use by anti-car or, at least, pro-cycling advocates worldwide.
The person credited by former DoT Commissioner Lucius Riccio with being singlehandedly responsible for the curb cut onto the walkway leading to the GWB ramp.
Former president of the NYCC and three-year program director. One of movers of the law suit against the city for the Park's Dept. having imposed a 15MPH speed limit on bikes.
Past columnist on cycling for MetroSports/NYPublished on cycling in: The New York Times, Newsday, International Herald Tribune, Bicycle Guide, Bicycle Retailer & Industry News, Bicycling, Cyclist, VeloNews, et al. Multi-year leader/organizer of the contingent of cyclists accompanying disabled marathoners.
Jersey designer.
Created advertising for Basso, Bell, Campagnolo, Continental, Fuji, Havnoonian, Kreitler, and others in the bike industry.
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